The objectives of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society are to further the creative efforts of its members, to spread knowledge and cultivate interest in the transparent watercolor medium.
Stephen S. Yaeger
Watercolor Artist

Stephen S. Yaeger
Artist Statement
See majestic Humpback whales bubble feeding or an Orca with the movement of a ballet dancer breaching high above the water.
Watch as powerful storm-driven waves strike shore rocks and cliffs, or stand and view the tops of a series of mountains giving the illusion that what you are looking at is a painting itself.
This is what draws me to the subjects of animals, landscapes and seascapes. It takes time and understanding to know how a particular animal relates to its habitat and how to use such knowledge to present an image that is true to form, while balancing and keeping a good composition. I do not get involved in extensive planning prior to creating my work. My technique involves visualizing the subject as I work and allowing the piece to “plan” itself while I continually review it.
I want all to recognize the world of nature; that it is a diverse, awesome world. It mus be protected and kept as pristine as possible. As a result the original idea I had is not entirely duplicated in the final work. Each finished piece is an extension of what I’ve learned while working on previous subjects.
I know a piece is finished when I feel that I’ve captured the essence of the subject. My works have no fanciful explanations nor titles. I paint and draw subkjects that I find pleasing, and I sincerely hope that the viewer finds the finished work equally so.
Authored and illustrated field guide of local seashore life for Gateway National Recreation area; Co-authored and illustrated series of four physical science booklets for BCHS Dept. of Science and Oceanography; Authored and illustrated “Whales – Those Magnificent Sea Animals with a Hole on Top of Their Heads” used for a lecture series; Produce First Day Cover cachets, which are gaining popularity in the collectors’ field; Co-authored and illusrated art curriculum for Special Education Curriculum Unit NYC Bd. Of Ed.; Illustrator for NYC Bd. Of Ed. Marine Biology Regents committee; Designed/illustrated “Seamore Gull’s Rockaway Fun Book” for the Rockaway Chamber of Commerce.
Find more about me at www.yaegerart.com