The objectives of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society are to further the creative efforts of its members, to spread knowledge and cultivate interest in the transparent watercolor medium.
Chirstian LeGars
Watercolor Artist

Christian LeGars
Artist Statement
My paintings reflect the remembrance of my home, Brittany, on the western coast of France, beautiful, wild empty space, savage sea, the wind and the salt covering your face playing with your hair. Feelings of eternity and peace. I will never be an abstract painter as the abstract process is mainly intellectual. I am unable to dissociate my intellect from my senses. I need to become part of my surroundings, both physically and mentally. My desire is to convey these feelings to others, to open their eyes for a fraction of time, to take their hands and allow them to dream . . . to be peaceful. I like to confuse people in an unusual but soft way. Making them forget their way of thinking and to remember the way they feel. To bring forth tears of joy, expose their vulnerabilities and heighten their sensitivity time and time again.