The objectives of the Brooklyn Watercolor Society are to further the creative efforts of its members, to spread knowledge and cultivate interest in the transparent watercolor medium.
Alaiyo Bradshaw
Watercolor Artist

Alaiyo Bradshaw
Artist Statement
My artwork takes a passionate view of a social conscience that incorporates drawing and painting through visual journalism. In my work, I reconstruct dreams, children’s stories, cultural iconography, ethnography and social issues. I bring my training as an illustrator and graphic designer into my work as a fine artist. I think of my paintings as single frame narratives–windows into the subject. My artwork is linked by repeated formal concerns as well as through its conceptual content. Each personal project consists of multiple works grouped around specific themes and iconography. I use watercolor as a medium to create depth, translucency, and opacity.
In my conception, my art means bringing images to life through representational depictions reflecting a visual language that I speak. My imaginative ideation took me to my current nest series.
My professional illustration and graphic design work is in the areas of editorial, children’s books, advertising, publishing, flyers, brochures, websites, props for plays, professional magazines, newspapers, merchandising, young readers anthologies, posters, book jackets, storyboards, murals, commercial product lines and more.
My clients include: Amsterdam News, Actors Theater Workshop, The Advocate Magazine, Brian Bellinger Films, The College Board, Circe Ediciones, S.A., The Guide New Era Publication, Harcourt Brace, Heinle & Heinle, The Jewish Theatre of NY, McGraw Hill, Metropolitan Junior Baseball League, Inc., PSE&G, 20/20, The New York Times Magazine, Ward’s Communication and more.
I have exhibited at the OPUS Gallery in Mount Kisco, NY, The Society of Illustrators, The Hudson Guild, Fire Patrol No. 5, Limner Gallery, National Museum of Catholic Art, 80 Washington Square East, Ward-Nasse, A.I.R. Gallery in New York City and several other galleries in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
At Parsons School of Design, I am the Associate Director of the First Year program, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts and have taught classes in Art History, Illustration, Digital Design, and Drawing.